
Social Media Marketing – A Beginner’s Guide

Social media marketing has become a real necessity for any organisation these days, if you don’t have a social media presence then you may as well not exist. If you are just about to take the plunge, then there are few golden rules that will help you get the most out of this marketing opportunity.

Pick the Right Platform

You don’t have to engage with every single social media platform. If you try to you are going to make mistakes, get things wrong and spread yourself too thin. You need to select the platform that is the right fit for your business. Do you want a platform that gives you the ability to make lots of small contacts with a lot of people, or do you want the ability to have in depth contact with a few? Do you want a platform to showcase your work? Take the time to think about it before you dive in, because once you join you are committed for the long haul.

Pick a Publishing Schedule and Stick to It

Get organised and plan your publishing schedule. This should be something that you stick to. You want your followers to know that you will be posting content the same time, every week. This means they will get into the habit of checking in regularly and will feel that they are getting value from following you

Link your Website to your social media account

Make sure that every contact points you have with your customer’s points them towards your social media accounts. So, get follow buttons on your website, and embedded into your email. Existing customers are a great way to build your social media following as they will already want to engage with you and this can start your social media network off with a feeling of energy. If you decide to go for more than one platform, then make sure that they point at each other as well.

Provide useful content

You are an expert in something. Make use of that expertise by providing content that informs and interests your followers. You won’t get people engaging if you are just posting marketing material all the time. You need to provide something that they can’t get anywhere else and that makes them feel positively towards your company.

Listen to you followers

One of the best things about social media is that it allows you to have a conversation with your fan base. You can get a lot of feedback through social media that you might not get anywhere else. As always you will get a mix of good and bad comments, but it is all about the way that you deal with these that really matters. By listening to your customers, you will be able to build a reputation of trust and you may also get some free ideas about how to grow and improve your business. After all no


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6 Steps: How to plan for your website re-design

Whether you’re updating your website for an SEO boost, or want to explore the benefits of a full rebrand, there’s a lot to consider before you begin. From budgets to business goals, discover the 6 key steps to successfully redesigning your website.

6 Steps How To Plan For Your Website Re-Design | Digital Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Agency

Understanding the best SEO practices

SEO is something that is crucial to the success of your business. SEO determines how easily people can find you based on your search engine rankings.

To build up your online presence, you should understand the best SEO practices so that you can achieve your goals.

Understanding The Best SEO Practices | Digital Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Agency

Mastering SEO in 2024: Trends and Strategies for Businesses

SEO in 2024 is not just about keywords and backlinks; it’s a sophisticated blend of technology, psychology, and marketing. With search engines continually refining their algorithms to deliver the most relevant and valuable content to users, businesses must adapt their strategies to these changes.

Mastering SEO in 2024: Trends and Strategies for Businesses | Digital Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Agency

The Ultimate Social Media Guide

With the ever-growing power of social media, we use the latest techniques, video, and animation software to craft eye-catching social media assets that make your brand pop. Our designers, wielding Adobe Creative tools, create distinctive animations and graphics to illuminate your brand story and highlight your products or services. Want a unique design? No problem – we also offer bespoke designs to match your brand aesthetic.

The Ultimate Social Media Guide | Digital Whitepaper | Digital Marketing Growth Agency

Inbound Digital Marketing Strategy For Growth, Lead Generation And ROI


Got a new project in mind? Talk to our friendly digital strategists and let’s discuss the best ways to achieve your upcoming business goals. Whether you require creative support, are looking to design or develop a new website or even need assistance with posting daily across the various social media platforms – our dedicated team are here to become your outsourced marketing team!