
What Is A 360 Degree Approach To Digital Marketing & What Do You Need To Consider?

A 360-degree marketing strategy approach is one that might look confusing to understand but is actually very simple in practice.

It essentially means that you analyse your customer and your audience critically using a variety of strategies, whilst considering things such as customer patterns and activity.

What is 360-Degree Digital Marketing?

360 marketing essentially points towards a marketing strategy that seeks to reach as many consumers as possible through a variety of smaller strategies. This can be done through a variety of ways, let’s begin with the example of implementing a search engine optimisation strategy.

SEO Strategies

Statistics show that ‘93% of online experiences begin with a search using a search engine’. This introduces the importance of hiring an SEO professional to deal with promoting your business on these engines to support customer interaction, as this is statistically your first point of contact. This supports the goal of creating this 360 approach as hiring someone who is a professional in analysing marketing structures and supporting your firm in reaching the top of search results could be crucial to initial exposure and thus, the interaction that follows from it.

Thus, it is important that you understand the importance of hiring an SEO professional, as they are someone who can siphon demand into your business.

Investing into Social Media

Social media is also a crucial avenue to ensuring that this 360 approach is satisfied as this introduces a potential gateway to a much larger market and thus, audience overall. Statics by Sprout Social demonstrate the significance of Instagram for example, saying that ‘Instagram continues to attract a younger audience with 72% of teens saying that they use the platform’.

Thus, your business is only going to benefit by introducing a focus on implementing social media marketing, playing a crucial role in informing this overall marketing strategy.

The way that this is done is likely to come in the form of a social media manager, who likely has experience in gauging markets by looking at other businesses and drafting an analysis report as to how best compete against these. For example, statistics by Wyzol suggest that ‘87% of video marketers say video has increased to their website’. By creating content that can be posted on stories which can be rotated daily, these managers will be able to drive traffic towards your main website and promote your goods and services using formats that they deem attractive to usurp the market.

Thus, hiring these managers in line with an SEO professional is a great way to gauge two different potential areas of attracting consumers towards your business. For example, your SEO professional may promote social media content whilst the manager can spend a lot of time working with the SEO professional to target the best way to engage first time users, and thus, drive traffic towards your business website.

Implementing Better Communication Strategies

Whilst trying to interest your customers is a great first step to take when trying to gauge interest for your business, retaining that interest is crucial in informing this 360 approach. By ensuring that your customers are happy with the services that you provide, you are much more likely to insure repeat interaction opportunities.

Studies undertaken by American Express have shown that ‘The average person tells 15 people when they’ve had a poor customer service experience.’ Thus, maintaining a clear line of communication between your business and your customer base is extremely important in ensuring that customers return and thus, potentially attract other customers. This negative review could have a devastating impact on business operations, making this a priority strategy to consider.

This can be done by focusing on your public relations and by understanding your audience and their wants. For example, you might consider implementing optional questionnaires that customers can use to describe their experience with your company. This is a very useful idea to inform how to not only attract customers but retain them, thus supporting this 360 approach, promoting your business even further.

This can also be supported by social media managers, who may be able to work with public relations departments or those designated to understanding customer satisfaction, as social media can be a great place to see how people are feeling towards certain things as well. For example, they may post about a positive or negative experience with your product. This can then be fed back to directors who can change their approaches which is then likely to support your position on search engines as a company who listens to, and works with their customers, avoiding statistics by Zendesk in becoming a reality, such as 39% of customers avoiding a specific firm for two years after a negative experience with them.

Considering the Importance of your Website

Focusing on the experience of your website is a crucial component of a 360 strategy. This is something that an SEO professional can support you with by working on your actual website to ensure that it is optimised to the greatest standard. For example, they may try to focus on highlighting information about your product that stands out on your website, which will appear firstly in its description, increasing the potential visitors to your site.

However, feedback from social media managers is just as significant, as they can begin to promote this unique material as well driving this interest towards your site. But making your website provide the standard of service that you are promoting is the final touch on your 360-marketing approach that must be considered.

By encompassing these approaches, you will create a 360 approach to capture as much of the market demand as possible. This traffic will then be driven towards your website which will provide the best customer experience to retain customer satisfaction.

Whether you’re updating your website for an SEO boost, or want to explore the benefits of a full rebrand, there’s a lot to consider before you begin. From budgets to business goals, discover the 6 key steps to successfully redesigning your website.

Need more support? 123 Internet Group also offer expert web design and development services to drive more traffic and engage customers with quality branding.

Book a free consultation today!


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